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How It Works

We’ve teamed up with long-time personal finance writer and expert Reyna Gobel to bring you Ask Reyna, an engaging new series which will directly involve YOU! 

Simply submit your personal questions regarding any money or finance topic to Reyna (above). The question can be as long or as short as you like, but the longer the question and the more details you provide, the better the answer Reyna will be able to provide.

For each new post in the Ask Reyna column, we will select at least one user question for Reyna to answer and we will feature it as an article. That means that your question will not only get a uniquely tailored and personalized answer, but you will also be able to see your Q&A on our site.

You can use your own name, use a pseudonym, make up a fun code name based on your question (ex. ‘Bad Budgeter’, ‘Spender in Distress’, ‘Money Mom’) or remain completely anonymous. It is totally up to you!

The sooner you start asking, the sooner we can start answering and get your answers featured in the column! Ask away!